Rose gardening has its own special mystique. Few perennials or flowering shrubs give you so many wonderful blooms soon after planting or have as long a period of bloom. And, best of all, hardy roses will come back year after year. Gardeners the world over are smitten by the allure of roses, but many people think of roses as elegant but demanding, and hard-to-grow garden prima donnas.
Can rose gardening be easy? Well, yes, if you start by picking strong, disease- resistant rose bushes. Roses come many colors and forms and in range of growth habits, sizes and shapes. Fortunately today, many newer roses are being bred for hardiness and good disease-resistance. Like most other garden flowers, roses will thrive if you give them what they need: 1. Lots of sun – At least six hours of good strong sunlight daily - less sun and you get fewer flowers. 2. Good soil – Well drained, but able to hold moisture, and enriched with manure and/or compost. Roses are heavy feeders that thrive in rich soil. 3. Timely care – Plenty of water and fertilizer and proper pruning at the right time. Be sure to stay on the lookout so you can nip any rose problems in the bud before they get out of hand. |